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Dumping the Flash

Brian Murphy @ 2024-03-10 10:53:47

While analyzing the boot process of a Zyxel GS1900-24HPv2 Managed Switch, it became apparent that I would need to analyze the flash storage on the board. Lacking access to the operating system, and with no way to connect a display or keyboard, I knew this was going to be a fun project.

zyxel managed switch mtd mtdblock jffs2 binwalk minicom expect python u-boot


In the previous article, I started Exploring the Firmware of a Zyxel Switch. After a bit of poking around it became apparent that I would need to take a look at the contents of the flash chips to really understand how the system worked. The extracted firmware has most of a complete Linux system, but it really doesn't look like it contains everything.

My initial analysis showed that data on a flash chip, referenced as /dev/mtdblock3, is mounted to /mnt. A bit later in the start up process, it looks like a script mounted to /mnt/startup-config is run. This has to be the missing link that sets up the remaining filesystems to create a usable system.

How can I get to the data stored on this memory technology device?


There are a few different ways that we can get to the data on /dev/mtdblock3. The first few options that come to mind:

  • SSH/Serial console to view the data.
  • Run our own custom kernel with appropriate tools.
  • Run a pre-compiled system like OpenWrt.
  • Utilize features compiled into U-Boot.

Each of these options have some additional considerations, and some aren't going to be possible yet.


This would be the easiest method by far. Just login to the system like any other and take a look around. Unfortunately, when logging in to this switch, the shell is very Cisco-like, and there is no clear way to break out of that. This is not a standard shell, but one created just for the purpose of managing a network device. This option will not work out of the box.

Custom Kernel

This is the coolest option. Why not build out our own tool set just to further reverse engineer this switch? That is some serious street cred.

This also takes the most understanding of the chipset. It is relatively easy to compile a kernel, but not quite as easy to compile a kernel for a different architecture, along with the appropriate modules. I am going to have to skip this option for now, but will almost certainly come back to it.


This is another solid option. Work has even already been done to get OpenWrt ported to this system. This would likely be an easy solution, but it also feels like cheating at this point. This series is about figuring out what we can do on our own, and with this option, someone has already done the hard work.

Das U-Boot

Das U-Boot, the bootloader on this switch, has the functionality built in to read memory addresses. It is extremely low level. It feels right. This is what I want to do first.

Since we aren't at the point yet where we can boot our own system on here, we will need to work with the current tools. Luckily, U-Boot has the ability to display the contents of memory.

Das U-Boot

Das U-Boot (subtitled "the Universal Boot Loader" and often shortened to U-Boot; see History for more about the name) is an open-source boot loader used in embedded devices to perform various low-level hardware initialization tasks and boot the device's operating system kernel.

Just like Wikipedia says, U-Boot is a boot loader for embedded devices. It serves a similar purpose as GRUB serves for desktop Linux. When an embedded device is first powered on it will start execution of U-Boot, which in turn is configured to start the kernel with appropriate settings for the board it is on.

Since U-Boot is designed to run at such a low level, and it is used on embedded devices with various architectures, it is frequently compiled with a decent set of features for interacting with the hardware directly. The exact process will differ from board to board, but for the Zyxel GS1900-24HPv2, we just need to hook up to the serial port and press space to interrupt the boot process.

There are quite a few different tools that you could use for serial communication. I've recently started using minicom after a suggestion from CubicleNate. Any instructions in this article are assuming that minicom is being used, so your mileage might vary with other programs. For a quick run down of using minicom you can check out CubicleNate's blathering, Configuring a Cisco switch from a Linux Terminal with Minicom.

The process here is pretty simple. I need a serial connection to the switch while it is booting. Just after power up of the switch, the switch will prompt to press space to abort booting. Doing this will give me access to the serial console for U-Boot.

To ensure that I have the connection ready to go in time, I'll follow this process:

  1. Connect the serial to USB device to both the switch and computer.
  2. Run the command below to start up minicom.
  3. Plug in the switch's power cable.
  4. Press space to interupt the boot process.
minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyUSB0
Welcome to minicom 2.8

Port /dev/ttyUSB0

Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys
U-Boot Version: (Aug 31 2021 - 02:24:56)                                                                        

CPU:   500MHz                                                                                                           
DRAM:  128 MB                                                                                                           
FLASH: 16 MB                                                                                                            
Model: ZyXEL_GS1900_24HPv2                                                                                              
SN:    S222L31002671                                                                                                    
MAC:   D8:EC:E5:BB:5E:08 - D8:EC:E5:BB:5E:22                                                                            

Press SPACE to abort boot script:  0                                                                                    

Sweet, just like that, we have a U-Boot shell!


U-Boot's shell has a bunch of built in commands. These differ from installation to installation, but most share some common ones. I've truncated the list a bit, but let's see what we can do.

RTL838x# ?                                                                                                              
?       - alias for 'help'                                                                                              
bdinfo  - print Board Info structure                                                                                    
boardid - boardid  - Get/Set board model id                                                                             
boot    - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'                                                                             
boota   - boota  - boot application image from one of dual images partition automatically                               
bootd   - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'                                                                             
bootm   - boot application image from memory                                                                            
bootp   - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol                                                              
cp      - memory copy                                                                                                   
crc32   - checksum calculation                                                                                          
cst     - cst     - customer commands                                                                                   
echo    - echo args to console                                                                                          
editenv - edit environment variable                                                                                     
env     - environment handling commands                                                                                 
erase   - erase FLASH memory                                                                                            
flerase - Erase flash partition                                                                                         
flinfo  - print FLASH memory information                                                                                
flshow  - Show flash partition layout                                                                                   
go      - start application at address 'addr'                                                                           
help    - print command description/usage                                                                               
iminfo  - print header information for application image                                                                
imxtract- extract a part of a multi-image                                                                               
loadb   - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)                                                               
loady   - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)                                                               
loop    - infinite loop on address range                                                                                
md      - memory display                                                                                                
mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)                                                                     
mw      - memory write (fill)                                                                                           
nfs     - boot image via network using NFS protocol                                                                     
nm      - memory modify (constant address)                                                                              
ping    - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host                                                                        
printenv- print environment variables                                                                                   
printsys- printsys - print system information variables                                                                 
reset   - Perform RESET of the CPU                                                                                      
rtk     - rtk     - Realtek commands                                                                                    
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage                                                              
savesys - savesys - save system information variables to persistent storage                                             
setenv  - set environment variables                                                                                     
setsys  - setsys  - set system information variables                                                                    
sf      - SPI flash sub-system                                                                                          
source  - run script from memory                                                                                        
tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol                                                                    
version - print monitor, compiler and linker version 

There are a ton of things we can do, even when looking at this shortened list. I am going to focus on the following:

  1. bdinfo
  2. bootm
  3. flshow
  4. md
  5. printenv
  6. printsys
  7. rtk
  8. setenv
  9. tftpboot
  10. version

Honestly, I would be lying if I tried to say that I haven't already used all of these. All of this was tested out before writing this article at all :) I've run most of the commands available just to see what can be done.

While doing everything possible would be a really great time, I need to reel myself in and focus on getting to that juicy flash filesystem.

Board Discovery

version - Software Versions

RTL838x# version                                                                                                        

U-Boot Version: (Aug 31 2021 - 02:24:56)                                                                        
mips-linux-uclibc-gcc (GCC) 3.4.4 mipssde-6.03.00-20051020                                                              
GNU ld version 2.15.94 mipssde-6.03.00-20051020

This is neat. uClibc was used to compile U-Boot, and it appears to have created with the MIPS Software Development Environment.

printenv - Print Environment Variables

RTL838x# printenv                                                                                                       
bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 mem=64M quiet                                                                             

Environment size: 314/1020 bytes

Alright, this is neat to see. We've got the kernel boot arguments, default U-Boot boot command, and even the 1 second in which you have to press space to abort booting.

bdinfo - Board Info

RTL838x# bdinfo                                                                                                         
boot_params = 0x83DDFB10                                                                                                
memstart    = 0x80000000                                                                                                
memsize     = 0x08000000                                                                                                
flashstart  = 0xB4000000                                                                                                
flashsize   = 0xA5A5A5A5                                                                                                
flashoffset = 0x00000000                                                                                                
ethaddr     = D8:EC:E5:BB:5E:08                                                                                         
ip_addr     =                                                                                               
baudrate    = 0 bps

Nice. Addresses for accessing RAM and flash filesystems. Someday I should write an article that goes over how to grok this information and link to it here.

Without that article, if you don't intuitively understand what you are looking at, this is what I get out of this:

  • This board has 134,217,728 bytes of RAM. Or 128 MB if you want to say it the easy way.
  • Flash data starts at address 0xB4000000.
  • There is supposedly 2,779,096,485 bytes of flash data. For some reason, I don't think this is true.
  • Boot parameters can be located in RAM at address 0x83DDFB10.

flshow - Show Flash Partitions

RTL838x# flshow                                                                                                         
=============== FLASH Partition Layout ===============                                                                  
Index  Name       Size       Address                                                                                    
 0     LOADER     0x40000    0xb4000000-0xb403ffff                                                                      
 1     BDINFO     0x10000    0xb4040000-0xb404ffff                                                                      
 2     SYSINFO    0x10000    0xb4050000-0xb405ffff                                                                      
 3     JFFS2_CFG  0x100000   0xb4060000-0xb415ffff                                                                      
 4     JFFS2_LOG  0x100000   0xb4160000-0xb425ffff                                                                      
 5     RUNTIME1   0x6d0000   0xb4260000-0xb492ffff                                                                      
 6     RUNTIME2   0x6d0000   0xb4930000-0xb4ffffff                                                                      

Sweet! This shows the exact address that the infamous JFFS2_CFG is located! That is what I'm looking for.

I understand that this is something that can make your eyes glaze over. For now, we can think of the switch as being a book. There are 7 chapters in this book, and flshow is telling us where to flip the book open to for each chapter.

md - Memory Display

md will show the contents of whatever address it is given. The address is the hexadecimal numbers that are shown in the various commands above.

This will be explored more in the next section.

The Other Commands

The other commands are all important and useful. I have a suspicion that they are going to be used later, but right now, not as much.

Memory Display

Alright, I'm starting to get excited. We have a table of addresses for data, and we have the md command to show us that data.

Let's take a closer look at how this works. The flshow command shows that the BDINFO partition is at 0xb4040000. We just put that into md.

RTL838x# md 0xb4040000                                                                                                  
b4040000: b85f12dd 4854504c 6f673d30 00626175    ._..HTPLog=0.bau                                                       
b4040010: 64726174 653d3131 35323030 00626f61    drate=115200.boa                                                       
b4040020: 72646d6f 64656c3d 5a795845 4c5f4753    rdmodel=ZyXEL_GS                                                       
b4040030: 31393030 5f323448 50763200 626f6f74    1900_24HPv2.boot                                                       
b4040040: 61726773 3d636f6e 736f6c65 3d747479    args=console=tty                                                       
b4040050: 53302c31 31353230 30206d65 6d3d3634    S0,115200 mem=64                                                       
b4040060: 4d207175 69657400 626f6f74 636d643d    M quiet.bootcmd=                                                       
b4040070: 626f6f74 6100626f 6f746465 6c61793d    boota.bootdelay=                                                       
b4040080: 31006574 68616374 3d72746c 38333830    1.ethact=rtl8380                                                       
b4040090: 23300065 74686164 64723d44 383a4543    #0.ethaddr=D8:EC                                                       
b40400a0: 3a45353a 42423a35 453a3038 00697061    :E5:BB:5E:08.ipa                                                       
b40400b0: 6464723d 3139322e 3136382e 312e3100    ddr=                                                       
b40400c0: 6e65746d 61736b3d 3235352e 3235352e    netmask=255.255.                                                       
b40400d0: 3235352e 30007275 6e485450 3d300073    255.0.runHTP=0.s                                                       
b40400e0: 65727665 7269703d 3139322e 3136382e    erverip=192.168.                                                       
b40400f0: 312e3131 31007374 64657272 3d736572    1.111.stderr=ser

Yeah! That is literally the same data as printenv! Let's see the content of JFFS2_CFG.

RTL838x# md 0xb4060000                                                                                                  
b4060000: 19852003 0000000c f060dc98 1985c001    .. ......`......                                                       
b4060010: 0000002b 3e422427 00000001 00000000    ...+>B$'........                                                       
b4060020: 00000002 61dd50d2 03040000 9248306f    ....a.P......H0o                                                       
b4060030: 707eb1d7 6c6f67ff 1985c002 00000044    p~..log........D                                                       
b4060040: a4ef223e 00000002 00000001 000041ed    ..">..........A.                                                       
b4060050: 03f603f7 00000000 61dd50d2 61dd50d2    ........a.P.a.P.                                                       
b4060060: 61dd50d2 00000000 00000000 00000000    a.P.............                                                       
b4060070: 00000000 00000000 81c96bae 1985c002    ..........k.....                                                       
b4060080: 00000044 a4ef223e 00000003 00000001    ...D..">........                                                       
b4060090: 000041ed 00000000 00000000 61cf9980    ..A.........a...                                                       
b40600a0: 61cf9980 61cf9980 00000000 00000000    a...a...........                                                       
b40600b0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 04256569    .............%ei                                                       
b40600c0: 1985c001 0000002b 3e422427 00000001    .......+>B$'....                                                       
b40600d0: 00000001 00000003 61cf9980 03040000    ........a.......                                                       
b40600e0: dcd0a399 11cc1556 737368ff 1985c002    .......Vssh.....                                                       
b40600f0: 00000044 a4ef223e 00000003 00000002    ...D..">........


Well, that is not so obvious what is going on. I mean, I can see both .log and ssh in that output, but the remainder is just some binary. That's not so useful.

Here is what I've gotten out of this so far:

  • /dev/mtdblock3 is binary data.
  • md will show us hexadecimal representation of that data.
  • md only shows 256 bytes at a time.

If we do some quick math we can discover the size of this flash partition.

(End Address) - (Start Address) = (Size)
0xb415ffff - 0xb4060000 = FFFFF
FFFFF = 1,048,575

This shows that this flash partition, JFFS2_CFG, is 1 MB. md will only show us 256 bytes at a time. So all we need to do is run md 4096 times and we'll be able to capture all of it.

There is also another obstacle to overcome. How can these hex values be converted to the binary they represent?

I'm not sure about you, but I'm not going to manually run this command 4096 times, copy and paste the output, then try to manually convert it to binary. I'm going to do it the fun way.

Dumping the Flash

As far as this article is concerned, this is it. We are at the moment that things come together. We know what needs to be done... but how?

Expect. Oh, and Python.

Expect is used to automate control of interactive applications such as Telnet, FTP, passwd, fsck, rlogin, tip, SSH, and others. Expect uses pseudo terminals (Unix) or emulates a console (Windows), starts the target program, and then communicates with it, just as a human would, via the terminal or console interface.

I've written a pair of scripts for this, which can be found in my zyxel-flash-dump repo on GitHub.

The first script, minicom.exp, is an Expect script that launches minicom. This script watches for the U-Boot prompt of RTL838x#. Each time it sees the prompt, it will increase the memory address by 256 bytes (or 0x100), then run the md command again with the new address. All output is saved to a file.

The second script,, takes the output file from minicom.exp, parses it, and converts the hexadecimal values to binary. The binary data is then written to jffs2_cfg.img, giving us the sought after JFFS2_CFG flash partition.


For the unlikely event that GitHub goes down and this article is up, here is the expect script that I used.

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# Originally written to dump the contents of flash on a Zyxel GS1900-24HPv2.
# This could pretty easily be adapted to dump other ranges of memory.

# Set variables
set address 0xb4060000
set end_address 0xb415ffff
set jffs_raw "jffs2_raw.dump"
set usbtty "/dev/ttyUSB0"

# Open minicom
spawn bash -c "time minicom -b 115200 -D $usbtty | tee $jffs_raw"

# Wait for minicom to start
sleep 1

# Send command to enter minicom's command mode
send "\r"
expect "RTL838x#"
sleep 1

# Loop until end address is reached
while {$address <= $end_address} {
    # Send memory dump command.  Make sure that the address is formatted
    # as a hex number.  This switch will crash if a decimal number is used.
    send "md [format %x $address]\r"

    # Wait for command output
    expect "RTL838x#"

    # Increment address
    set address [expr {$address + 0x100}]

# Wait for minicom to exit
expect eof

For converting the output of the above Expect script to an image file, this Python script was used.

Note: This script was edited after this article was originally published. I found that the original script was not parsing the hex data correctly and building corrupted images.

import re

output_file = 'jffs2_cfg2.img'

binary_data = b''
hex_pattern = re.compile(r'[0-9a-fA-F]{8}')

with open("jffs2_raw.dump", "r") as file:
    for line in file:
        # Check if the line contains "RTL838x# md", if so, skip
        if "RTL838x# md" in line:

        # Find the index of ":" to locate the end of the memory address
        address_end = line.find(":")
        if address_end == -1:

        # Skip any lines that are too short to contain data
        if len(line) < 45:

        # Extract the part of the line after the memory address
        hex_data = line[address_end+1:]

        # Extract hexadecimal numbers from the line
        hex_values = re.findall(hex_pattern, hex_data)

        # Convert to binary and concatenate
        for hex_value in hex_values:
            binary_data += bytes.fromhex(hex_value)

with open(output_file, 'wb') as file:

Analyzing The Image


Now that I have an image of the much sought after JFFS2_CFG flash partition, I can take a look and see what the enigmatic /startup-config script does. I just need to mount the image and open the file.
